BA (Hons) Fashion Design Technology: Menswear
2013 S/S by Young âWhy menswear should look serious?â This question arose while I was working in a company wearing a formal suit everyday. In order to break the stereotype of menswear, I have come to London to study designing menswear from the very beginning step. The typical structure of menswear provides a limited space, similar to the boundary of menâs creativity and innovation which are built invisibly since they become adult. Each sense male possess is still playful and somehow pure like their childhood. The medium such as assembling Lego pieces or showing a strong interest in collecting electronic gadgets are apparently proving that the inner side of male nature is linked to their childhood, not same but extended into developed forms. I want to unveil this âchildhood innocenceâ existed inside maleâs desire. Men are forced to look serious, formal, well-mannered, and respectable in the society, but inside their hearts, a boy from the childhood is eternally playing with a smile whether they become 20s or 60s. Achivements - London College of fashion Press show(2012) - BFC(British Fashion Council) Nominee- Portfolio/Newspaper - Craft Magazine Nominee - Barnett Lawson Trimming Awards 2012 finalist Press Contact 07789 274846