BA (Hons) Cordwainers Footwear: Product Design and Innovation
YoonHee Choi is a contemporary brand that creates experimental, unique and sculptural shoes that present glamorous chic footwear for women. It promotes exceptional, luxurious and qualitative images, which differentiate YoonHee Choi from existing contemporary brands. The overall inspiration is expressed on the design as various forms of shoe details. These details are derived from structural silhouette of an environmental element or abstract. The brand does not aim for commercial merchandise and monetary profit, however it aims to deliver YoonHee Choiâs challenging and experimental identity to customers who love to cultivate their beauty. YoonHee Choi London first collection, âMomentâ is selected as the concept because this shapeless concept would not limit the potential artistic expression in only physical manners therefore its vast mood was suitable for designers experimental and creative efforts on the design. Concept of âMomentâ, YoonHee Choi wanted to visualize the fact that the memories are belong to an individual that provide narratives about the moment so that the designer have created a sort of consensus that would reflect the individual, by using same last. Signature pieces are acrylic sheet and crystal beads both created by sophisticated handcraft. The laser cut acrylic sheet used in the form as part of an upper is the highlight of âMomentâ collection. Contact_ +82 10 4188 9619