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Adrien Chen


LCF 13 Press Show Back Stage with Tyler Rix

BA (Hons) Fashion Design Technology: Menswear

Copyright © 2013 Adrien Chen [Work Experience] Felicity Brown Studio Intern - pattern cutting, toiling, prints placement, collection finalising July 2012 - September 2012 Erdem Sampling Room Intern - sampling, pattern cutting, prints manipulation, show backstage January 2012 - March 2012 Ozwald Boateng Studio Intern - sampling, window display, sale space arrangement December 2011 Roland Mouret Studio Intern - sampling, pattern cutting, experimenting, show pieces production July 2011 - September 2011 [LCF 13 Press Show on VOGUE] http://www.vogue.co.uk/fashion/spring-summer-2014/ready-to-wear/london-college-of-fashion-ba [Final Year Collaboration] ‘Play becomes party - party becomes work - work becomes play‘ ~ Bauhaus Motto A final year collaboration between menswear student, Adrien Chen, and surface textile student, Antonia Beard. Inspired by the Bauhaus spirit, they started their final year journey with the Bauhaus motto in mind. ‘No longer can anything exist in isolation. We perceive every form as the embodiment of an idea, every piece of work as a manifestation of our innermost selves. Only work which is the product of inner compulsion can have spiritual meaning.‘ ~ Walter Gropius After the fashion of Bauhauslers being true to themselves while researching and designing, Adrien and Antonia then delved into their own unique cultural background and life experience in searching for things that would best define themselves and their aesthetic. ‘Two crazy minds. One raging collection.’ The two first met during the second year collaboration project. The invaluable experience furthering their belief in team work in that they could focus on things that inspire them the most. So they decided to have some more fun together for their final year project. As a menswear student, Adrien has always been more interested in creating shapes and developing his idea on stand and patterns rather than the traditional drawing-then-making process. The shapes and silhouettes for the final year project were developed by playing around the Bauhaus geometric aesthetic and reinventing the traditional Chinese patterns. Being playful and unconventional are the only rules, but feel free to break. For the printing design side, Antonia combined the intensity of Bauhaus painting style and the excitement of light and music from her clubbing adventure to come up with strong and fanatical printing design. Being a proud prints student who believes in traditional handcraft and screen printing process, Antonia completed all the printing with her own bare hands. By overlapping her print design with painstakingly accuracy and with only cyan, yellow, magenta, she achieves something truly extraordinary. With both of them focusing on what excites and inspires them most and paying attention to each other’s progress, they’ve tried their best to realise their vision and ambition. This unique and raving mad menswear collection is the sum of their final year collaboration journey. [Credit] >LCF 13 Press Show 1 - 22< Photos from: VOGUE.CO.UK http://www.vogue.co.uk/fashion/spring-summer-2014/ready-to-wear/london-college-of-fashion-ba >LCF Moving Annual 2013< Directed, Produced and Edited by: Danny Hall and Ben Ottewell for OWH Creative
Creative Direction: Rob Phillips 
Set Design: Lisa Price
 Music: Death Rattle - Do as you please 
Assistant: Riccardo Raspa http://www.riccardoraspa.co.uk >BFC Photo Shoot 1 - 10< Creative Director: Rob Phillips Administrator to Creative Director: Ruth Julius Photographer contributor: Justino Esteves www.justinoesteves.com Beauty: Pace Chen www.pacechen.com Melissa Wong Model: Liam Richards Felix Radford @ Select >FMP Line up Front & Back< Photography contributor: GMGP photography www.hillandaubrey.com Beauty: Pace Chen www.pacechen.com Melissa Wong Model: Joshua Moroney @ FM http://www.fmmodelagency.com >Adrien_Antonia_2013< Photography contributor: ChiaHui Liao http://www.chiahuiliao.co.uk/ Beauty: Pace Chen www.pacechen.com Melissa Wong Model: Joshua Moroney @ FM http://www.fmmodelagency.com >LCF 13 Press Show Back Stage with Tyler Rix< Photography contributor: Adrien Chen Model: Tyler Rix @ Elite London http://www.elitemodellondon.co.uk/

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